o a s i s


Adult Size1.5 - 2.5 inches (3.8 - 6.4 cm)
Lifespan2 - 3 years
Body ShapeElongated and slender
Body ColorationVarious colors, including red, blue, yellow, green, and more
Tail Fin TypesFan-shaped, various colors and patterns
Sexual DimorphismMales are typically more colorful and have larger fins than females
Dorsal FinPresent, with various shapes and colors
Anal FinPresent, typically fan-shaped
Caudal Fin (Tail)Single, divided, and colorful
Ventral FinsPresent, typically transparent or lightly colored
Pectoral FinsPresent, used for balance and maneuverability
ScalesSmall, overlapping scales
Guppy EyesLarge, dark-colored eyes
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