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Discus Fish

LengthFew centimeters to several meters.
WeightVaries by species, from a few grams to hundreds of kilograms.
Body ShapeTypically streamlined for swimming. Some have flat or elongated bodies.
FinsTwo pairs of fins (dorsal, pelvic, pectoral, and anal fins), and caudal (tail) fin.
MouthVaries by species; can be terminal, superior, or inferior.
GillsUsed for breathing and extracting oxygen from water.
EyesVary in size and position on the head.
ColorationVaried, often camouflaging to surroundings; may change for display.
ReproductionMost lay eggs, while some give birth to live young.
SensesGood sense of smell, lateral line system for detecting vibrations, and vision adapted to water.
HabitatFound in oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds.
DietCarnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous, depending on the species.
LifespanFew years to several decades.
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